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The Destined (erotic paranormal) (The Breeding Prophecy) Page 2
The Destined (erotic paranormal) (The Breeding Prophecy) Read online
Page 2
Anger at her dismissal and her sudden subject change made him growl low in his chest. “Cassandra do not test me,” he warned. “Serra is not the issue here. Your blatant disregard for everything we value is the bigger issue.”
At that Cassandra popped from the chair and went toe-to-toe with him, surprising him with the fire in her eyes. “I heartily disagree. Your former flame is suddenly here — someone you’re still carrying a torch for, by the way — and you think me using logic over your silly command is the bigger issue? Forgive me, if I call bullshit. Why is she here?”
Tieran’s nostrils flared as he attempted to control his temper but the urge to throw her onto the bed and across his knee so that he could paddle her soft ass until she cried was a struggle. If he hadn’t been so pulse-pounding angry, he would’ve been fighting an erection at the thought of smacking those beautiful, full buttocks. “She came to warn the clan that Ulster was closing in. It is because of Serra that we are both alive. We owe her our gratitude, not our suspicion.”
Cassandra backed down subtly but there was still an edge to her as she said, “She seemed disappointed that I managed to return. While I’m grateful for her help, I don’t trust her motives and you’d be stupid to ignore what is staring at you right in the face. I think she should be asked to leave.”
“I will attend to the needs of the clan,” he said coolly. “This is Serra’s home. I will not toss her out. She left voluntarily. She was not forced out. If she chooses to stay, it is her choice.”
“Oh that’s great,” Cassandra remarked bitterly, stepping away from Tieran, her eyes welling with angry tears. “So we get to pass each other in the halls, exchanging nasty looks with one another. The wife and the mistress. That works out perfectly for you, doesn’t it?”
“I have no interest in Serra sexually any longer,” he said but there was the tiniest question in his heart that must’ve made itself known in the depth of his stare because Cassandra’s breath hitched in her throat and she turned away with orders for him to leave. Instead of arguing the point, Tieran was happy to take his leave. Seeing Serra again, raised uncomfortable questions and feelings that he didn’t understand. He didn’t want Serra. In fact, even as angry as he was with Cassandra, he longed to bury himself deep inside her heat and fill her with his seed. Yet, he had so many memories with Serra. Scorching memories.
“I’m tired,” Cassandra murmured, plucking at his conscience against ad I was for her delicate condition.
“Do you require anything?”
At her short bubble of sad laughter, he realized his question was ill-timed. “I will bring you food at the dinner hour. Until then, rest.”
Cassandra remained silent as she climbed into her bed and turned on her side with her back to him.
Tieran was seized with the irrational desire to climb into that bed beside her and simply remind her with the feel of his cock that she belonged to him and him to her. But, in truth, he feared she might snap his cock off if he tried. In the interest of preserving his most precious appendage, he let himself out silently.
Serra startled at the sudden appearance of the old crone, Iona, disappointed that it wasn’t Tieran who’d found her in the garden. It’d been their favorite spot together and she’d hoped that Tieran would remember and find himself there.
“Child you waste your anger and your tears. The situation is beyond you,” Iona said, her wrinkled face neither sympathetic nor warm as she delivered her counsel. Serra hated the old woman. If it hadn’t been for her constant screeching about that damn prophecy, then perhaps she and Tieran would be hand-fasted by now and she’d be the one carrying his pup and not that cursed witch-whore Cassandra. “Your bitterness oozes from every pore. It will destroy you if you don’t take care.”
“Shut up, old woman. I neither asked for, nor care for, your advice. Leave me.”
“Cassandra is the Prophesied One. Not you,” Iona continued, undeterred. “You risk your soul threatening the Gods’ will.”
“You and your silly prophecy! Who knows if it’s even real? All I see is a woman who managed to pull the wool over all your eyes, pretending to be something that doesn’t exist. Tieran was my Alpha. Mine! And she took him from me. She doesn’t deserve him. She doesn’t understand our ways. I was raised to be his woman. Me! And now where am I supposed to go? Thrust from the only home I’ve ever known…why? I think Tieran has been tricked into thinking he must forsake me for her. Deep>
“What you feel is an illusion. I warned you that your path was not with Tieran. It is your own folly that you ignored my counsel. Now you must lie in the bed you’ve made. A good match will be found for you when the Mother Goddess deems it. Perhaps when you are worthy of such a match, it will happen.”
“You mean old bitch,” Serra spit at Iona, hating the ancient woman almost as much as she hated Cassandra. “Get out of my sight. Let me grieve in peace.”
“Yes, tend to your grief, Serra; before it spurs you to madness.”
Madness? Ha. Too late. Already she felt torn in two by feelings she couldn’t quell. She’d been so happy with Tieran. Before Cassandra they’d been madly, deeply in love. And then…that dirty whore had appeared out of nowhere to threaten everything that Serra held dear.
She didn’t care what Iona said, Tieran’s heart belonged to her. The only reason he felt conflicted was because of Cassandra’s pregnancy. Their species were bound to feel protective over their progeny. Remove the pup; remove the threat. Pregnancies were delicate. Especially for their kind. Why should Cassandra’s pregnancy be any different? Serra suffered a minor twinge at the pain Tieran would feel at the loss of his pup but Serra would soothe his broken heart by giving it something new to love.
Serra allowed her hand to drift to her own belly. It’s true she didn’t know if she was a Breeder but this had to work. She wasn’t willing to lose Tieran without a fight — a fight to the death, if need be.
The next few days passed with uncomfortable strain as Serra’s hatred and resentment settled on Cassandra’s shoulders like a heavy blanket and Tieran hadn’t visited since Serra had arrived, which only served to intensify her insecurity about having the woman in the house.
Cassandra rubbed her distended belly and muttered, “I’m living in a daytime soap opera.” In a normal world, there’s no way in hell Cassandra would’ve been living under the same roof as Tieran’s former love but then in a normal world she wouldn’t be carrying mystical twins who were growing like extraterrestrial weeds soaked in Miracle-Grow either.
Her back twinged and she groaned as she rolled to her side to ease the pressure. Iona had rubbed some kind of salve on her back that had helped but she couldn’t reach the spot on her back and Iona was gone for the day. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to ask Tieran to rub it on her. Though, she thought unhappily, she missed his touch so badly she was nearly shaking with need.
As if summoned by her unspoken thoughts, Tieran appeared in her doorway. The sight of him always took her breath away — damn the man — but who wouldn’t be struck dumb by a tall, muscular man who looked cut from marble with eyes that blazed with unrestrained hunger?
She took comfort in the fact that he was suffering from their sexual drought as much as she but the moment she was tempted to simply forget all that crap between them and just open her arms to him, she remembered they were not living in a fairytale and he was not Prince Charming.
More like Prince Not So Charming, she wanted to grumble.
“I’ve brought you breakfast,” Tieran said, walking in with a tray laden with lots of protein. Her nose twitched at thick slabs of pepper bacon and she actually smiled a little. “Ah, the first sign of happiness in days. I must remember to always bring bacon if I hope to coax a smile from your lips.”
“It would help,” she admitted with a small sniff. If only she wasn’t constantly ruled by the needs of her body. First, it was the Phase, then the Breeding Time, and now…mystical pregnancy. Was she ever g
oing to catch a break? What was next? She shuddered to even speculate. She accepted the tray and immediately tore into the bacon. He watched with open approval at her ravenous appetite and she became self-conscious. “Please don’t watch me eat. It’s weird,” she said, wiping her mouth and reaching for the orange juice. “It’s not like I don’t feel like a science project already.” He chuckled and the sound warmed her heart, even if she was still mad at him. Why did he have to be so damn handsome? Maybe if he looked like a three-humped beast she’d have an easier time forgetting about how badly she wanted to hump his brains out. “Would you like to share with me?” she asked grudgingly.
His gaze darkened and she wondered if she’d made some clan mistake by her offer but instead he sat across from her and took a slice of bacon. However, before biting into it, he said in a solemn tone, “In our culture, when a man and woman share their meal, it is a symbol of their commitment to one another.”
“Oh.” She chewed and swallowed. “In my culture, it’s a way of not being rude. I’m not ready to pick out towels or anything. I’m still pissed at you, remember?”
His look of disappointment pinched at her conscience. He was trying to be nice and she was throwing his attempts right back at him with a little zing for good measure. She drew a deep breath to apologize but he cut in brusquely before she could start.
“You would have me turn out a woman who has been a loyal clan member since the day she was born, after she saved both our lives, simply because you are jealous of our past together?”
Cassandra frowned. “Well, when you put it that way, I sound like a royal bitch.”
“How else should I put it?” he countered stiffly. “Is there something I’m missing? Perhaps leaving out a key piece of the puzzle?”
“She still loves you,” she blurted out, her eyes stinging. “And she’s bound and determined to get you back. I won’t live in a house where I feel threatened. Nor will I subject my babies to the threat she poses to their safety.”
He stood, his shoulders rigid. “Once again you imply that I cannot keep you safe. I would protect you and our pups with my life. Is that not enough?”
Her heart squeezed at the realization that he made no distinction between either pup, even knowing that one was not his, yet he claimed both. She wanted to cry and she wanted to kiss him at the same time but judging by the thunderous expression etched on the hard angles of his face…neither kisses nor tears were a good idea. “She’s dangerous,” she finally murmured. “Iona agrees that it’s not a good idea for Serra to be here.”
“Iona has never liked Serra. Her advice in that regard is suspect.”
“Oh come on. She’s the Seer, for crying out loud. You’re judgment is clouded when it comes to Serra and that in of itself is a red flag. Why are you so ready to defend Serra, yet toss me under the bus?”
“I am not tossing you under any vehicle, let alone a bus.”
“Stop being so literal,” Cassandra said in irritation, grumbling. “Here’s where going to public school might’ve done you a world of good. What I’m saying is, you need to start placing your faith in me, instead of constantly giving it to a woman from your past. Unless, that is, you really want her and not me. If that’s the case, I’m not going to stick around. Just give me the word and I’m gone. I can be a single mom just fine as long as you’re willing to pay child support.” She struggled to her feet in spite of his thunderous scowl. “And you can stop giving me that look because it doesn’t scare me or make me bite my tongue. I’m tired of everyone bossing me around or telling me how I should or shouldn’t feel, act or not act, be or not be, simply because I was lucky enough to get caught up in this mystical mayhem that’s currently tossing me around from one calamity to the next and really pissing me off!” she shouted at the finish, too angry to notice that the persistent pain in her back hadn’t subsided until a sharp wrenching pain zinged up her spine, nearly driving her to her knees with agony. She fell forward but Tieran caught her before she went crashing to the floor. “That h-hurts,” she managed to pant as Tieran hoisted her in his arms as if she weighed nothing when in fact, she could probably accordion the spine of an elephant if she chanced to straddle one.
“Where does it hurt?” Tieran asked, laying her gently on the bed, worry replacing his former frown.
“My lower back,” she groaned, rolling to her side and gesturing wildly. “Iona left a cream…it’s on the nightstand but I couldn’t reach the spot…”
Tieran wasted no time in grabbing the pot of cream and scooping a healthy dollop, then rais in the ongoing series.
Tieran’s touch, even done with therapeutic intent, did funny things to her resolve. “Tieran…?”
“I miss you.” The rubbing motion stilled and she reluctantly glanced back at him, almost afraid of what she’d see in his expression. When he didn’t immediately respond she turned back and blinked away tears, grateful that her face wasn’t visible. “I feel better now. You don’t have to keep rubbing.”
“How long have you suffered this pain?”
She sighed. “Not long. Only since the battle. I think the combination of multiple transformations and the babies’ freakishly rapid growth have aggravated my sciatic nerve. Iona said it will pass as soon as I give birth.” She suppressed a shudder. The birth. She wasn’t looking forward to that part, even if she was starting to look forward to meeting her babies. “Tieran…do breeding females give birth in the normal way?”
“Yes. But you are the only female who has been able to transform as the males do. I cannot say if you will be different in that aspect as well but I will ensure you have the best of care.”
She nodded and closed her eyes, saying, “I’m tired again,” so he wouldn’t see the tears threatening to ooze down her cheeks. For every step forward they took together, they tumbled two back. She felt the distance between them like a physical thing and not even their bond was enough to bridge the gap. Before, even when he was determined to keep his distance, Tieran couldn’t help himself around her. Now…he only touched her as a doctor would — efficient yet detached. She longed for the return of the wild beast who would rip apart anyone who stood between them. Maybe she wasn’t his True Mate. Maybe…she was just his baby mama.
Tieran’s hands still tingled from the cream he’d spread on Cassandra and his blood was percolating at a fine clip for restraining himself to the task rather than slaking his pounding lust within her soft and rounded body, making for a fine recipe for a raging temper. in the ongoing series.
He’d been able to hold his desire in check by the thinnest of threads, reminding himself that she was in a delicate condition, far more important than satisfying his needs.
He detoured to the work-out room, needing to blow off some excess steam. He was pleased when he found the expansive room empty. Tieran went straight to the punching bag, and without bothering to wrap his knuckles, he began taking his sexual frustration out on the heavy bag.
Cassandra was like a drug in his system and he was desperate for a fix. Her belly was a beautiful, rounded well of life, squirming with his progeny. Her breasts had plumped even more than before until he could almost taste the honeyed skin against his tongue. Her dainty pink areolas had darkened with the pregnancy and he could make out their outline from the gauzy, thin material providing some semblance of coverage of her lush body, but did nothing to prevent his imagination from filling in the blanks. Was it possible she became even more beautiful with the passing of each day? Was this the bonding that happened between mates? He could still smell her essence in the house, even though they hadn’t had sex since the forest floor, nearly a week ago. He ached to feel his cock sliding into her tight, wet sheath, stretching the slicked walls as he pushed himself deeper until he was seated to the hilt against her womanly flesh. Good God, this wasn’t helping, he groaned, refocusing on the bag. He landed a vicious punch that would’ve shattered bone then countered with a roundhouse kick that would’ve cave
d in a chest. He was in misery. Tieran caught the rocking bag and rested his forehead against the beaten leather. Sweat trickled down his back in rivulets and prayed to the Mother Goddess for strength and wisdom because at the moment, he felt as lost as a newborn pup. He pulled back and wiped the sweat from his brow with his forearm, ready to begin again, but Serra walked in. She grinned and for a second, he felt that familiar tug, but it was weak enough to push it away.
“Remember when we used to train together?” Serra asked, going to the tape and quickly wrapping her knuckles.
“How could I forget? You bested me nearly every match until I was finally big enough to simply overpower you,” he answered with a reluctant smile. Serra had been one of the fiercest girls in the pack, destined to be a warrior. Or an Alpha’s Mate. Guilt tugged at him. He sensed Serra’s pain even though she fought to hide it from him. “Serra…”
“Let’s see if you’ve still got what it takes to best me,” she cut in with a bright, teasing% iad I was smile, going into a wide-legged stance. “And remember, no unfair advantages. As in, no transforming.”
Tieran allowed a small grin. “I only did that once. But if I recall correctly, you grabbed my poor balls and twisted so hard I thought you’d neutered me. That was punishment enough for taking the advantage.”
“Well,” she smirked with knowing. “Your parts seemed to work just fine, if I recall.”
He conceded her point, yet tried to forget the times he and Serra had fucked like animals on this very gym floor. “One match,” he offered. “Standard rules apply.”
Serra laughed. “Have it your way,” she said right before attempting to sweep Tieran’s leg out from under him but Tieran was wise to her style of fighting and leapt out of the way. He countered with a quick jab at her midsection but she whirled and countered, catching him in the mouth with a sharp punch. “Are you getting soft, Alpha?” she teased, bouncing away before he could rebound. “You used to be quicker.”