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Irreversible: The Hitman & The Heiress Page 11

  I shuddered. was hedonistic and dirty and wildly arousing. “Yes, please,” I managed to cry as he withdrew his finger. “Oh God, just fuck me, Dex.”

  Dex’s strained chuckle told me volumes.

  He played a good game but deep inside, I was under his skin.

  I managed to glance over my shoulder, meeting his hot gaze. “Fuck me, Dex,” I begged prettily and he nearly lost it right there.

  He fumbled trying to get his cock inside me, the only concession to his raging need.

  I closed my eyes with pleasure as he spread me apart, sinking his cock deep inside.

  I was already too close to release. I could feel it building quickly.

  Dex was like a wild man, possessed.

  He gripped my hips hard as he fucked me, harsh and brutal.

  God, how I loved it!

  There was something so raw about the way Dex couldn’t control himself with me.

  It was the one time I caught a glimpse into the true Dex — the one he hid from everyone, including himself.

  When he was buried balls deep inside me, he was simply Dex, the man.

  Not Dex, the killer.

  “Yesss, Dex,” I cried, losing myself, stiffening as my orgasm threatened to cause a black-out. “God, yesssss....”

  I choked on another cry as I came, every muscle clenching in unison as time lost all sense of reason. Wondrous pleasure cascaded all around me as I dimly became aware of Dex shouting his release seconds later.

  Breathing hard, we both remained in that position — me bent over the counter, Dex bent over me — for a long moment until I realized with a moan, we’d fucking forgot to use a condom again.

  “Oh no, Dex!” I said, shifting to move him off of me but he wasn’t budging. Instead, when he rose, he took me with him. I was still impaled on his cock but I was standing flush against his hard chest.

  “I wanted to cum inside you,” he whispered against the shell of my ear.

  I startled but couldn’t deny the warmth tingling in my belly. “Why?”

  “Because you belong to me, baby girl. Time to stop dancing around the inevitable.”

  Dex slowly withdrew and spun me around. He reached down to cup my damp mound. “This right here is mine,” he told me, his gaze hard and soft at the same time. “And I’m marking what belongs to me.”

  God, that was messed up.

  And fucking hot.

  At first all I could do was nod.

  I mean, who wouldn’t turn into a simpering idiot if a mega sexy guy just told you that you belonged to him?

  In my current frame of mind I’d willingly sign on any dotted line to be his sex slave for the rest of my life.

  But eventually, some sense jogged my brain and I managed to quip saucily, “Well, if I get pregnant, you’re paying child support. I can promise you that!”

  And then, because that was the extent of my bravado, I grabbed my clothes and practically ran to the bedroom, knowing full well he would follow but I needed a minute to catch my breath.

  Once was an oops.

  Twice was a flagrant disregard for consequence.

  Was Dex trying to knock me up?

  And if so...why didn’t that freak me out more than it did?

  Questions, questions...

  And no time for answers.

  Just as I knew he would, Dex followed.

  Already priming for round two.

  I fell onto the bed and he was on me before I managed to take a breath.

  “Jesus Dex,” I groaned as he sucked my tender clit, already ready to cum. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Anything and everything,” he answered against my skin, his tongue flicking and circling like the predator I knew he was.

  I succumbed instantly, losing myself and the will to fight in one breath.

  Whatever Dex wanted, I would give him.

  Goodbye, dignity.

  Sayonara, good sense.

  See ya, logic and reason.

  Hello, motherhood?



  Listening to Bree sleep was fast becoming my favorite pastime.

  Maybe it was creepy.

  I didn’t care.

  I didn’t seem to care about a lot of things that I usually would.

  Like gloving up.

  I couldn’t say that it was simply the heat of the moment.

  No, I knew the minute I stuck my tongue in her ass that I was going to plant my seed inside her.

  It was something so basic, an urge unlike anything I’d ever known, that just took over.

  Hell, I was trying to get her pregnant.

  I wanted Bree to carry my child.

  The realization was heady and frightening but liberating at the same time.

  I wasn’t cut out to be a father.

  I knew that.

  And yet, I’d been determined to do exactly what I swore I never would.

  Bree was my everything.

  Seeing her in that tub...the fear that I’d lost did something to me.

  She was everything I never knew I wanted.

  Or needed.

  The best way to hold onto her seemed obvious — put a baby in her belly.

  Fuck, I said I wasn’t a hero.

  Maybe I was a sociopath after all.

  But I couldn’t say I was sorry.

  I’d fuck her senseless if it meant she would end up carrying my child.

  It wasn’t fair to her — yeah, I know — but I couldn’t explain this overwhelming need to claim what was mine in the deepest, most primal way possible.

  I would do anything to keep her safe.

  And I would ensure that Bree would never want for anything if she turned up pregnant.

  I might not be able to be a true father but I would make sure that Bree and my child were financially cared for.

  I breathed a little easier knowing I could provide for them if need be.

  But I was getting ahead of myself.

  Someone still wanted Bree dead.

  Given the fact that Lily had changed their names when Bree was still a baby told me that they had been in danger before.

  So whoever Lily had been running from had finally caught up to Bree.

  Everything always came down to money.

  Someone owed, someone needed, someone took.

  The key was the name Caroline Burke.

  I’d have to reach out to a few friends who owed favors to hack into the FBI database.

  The government allowed the illusion of privacy but in reality no one took a shit without the feds knowing how many times you wiped before flushing.

  If there was any kind of paper trail on Caroline Burke, it would pop up.

  I closed my eyes but sleep wouldn’t find me easily.

  It was, at least, comforting to hear Bree sleeping hard.

  A smug grin twisted my lips knowing that I’d knocked her ass out with some epic sex.

  Hey, in my line of work, I took my victories where I found them.

  When I stopped to think about the last few days, I remained stymied as to how Bree managed to interrupt my life without so much as saying a word to me first.

  She changed my life through the crosshairs of my sight.

  As long as I lived, I’d never forget the electricity that shocked my system when I realized there was no way in hell I’d ever hurt her.

  There was no rhyme or reason to my feelings but I didn’t want to pick them apart anymore.

  There was relief in accepting the insanity.

  My little nerd.

  My sensual little hellcat.

  It turned my crank that she was both in the same skin.

  Bree had no idea how sexy she was.

  How she twisted me inside out with a single look from behind those ridiculously large glasses.

  Hell, if Bree had any clue just how wrapped around her little finger I truly was...that could be dangerous.

  I didn’t want her to get comfortable with the idea of me st
icking around.

  I was crazy about Bree but I knew it wouldn’t last.

  I wasn’t hard-wired for love.

  Sure, I could fuck like a beast but when it came down to the real nitty-gritty of a true relationship?

  Fuck, I was under qualified as shit.

  Bree deserved better than what I could give her.

  Someone without my baggage.

  Someone who didn’t murder for a living.

  I didn’t want to give Bree the false hope that I was anything but what I seemed but I did have a code.

  I never took jobs involving kids.

  And for the most part, until Bree crossed my desk, I rarely took jobs where the target’s final destination wasn’t warranted.

  The money had swayed me in Bree’s case.

  I thought, maybe I could retire on this job, top off my account and find a beach somewhere with a floating bar.

  Somewhere like Fiji.

  I wasn’t going to share that with Bree, though.

  I couldn’t stomach the guilt of breaking her heart when she discovered my soul was as black as a smoker’s lungs.

  Occupational hazard.

  Bree shifted in her sleep and nearly whacked me in the face with a flailing arm.

  Jesus, girl, I left my body armor in my other safe-house.

  Bree mumbled something incoherent.

  “...Wonder Woman Underoos are too considered appropriate...”

  “...Jackalope? No such thing...but Nessie is real...”

  It took me a minute to realize she was talking in her sleep.

  I chuckled and listened to her mutter nonsense.

  Of course she talked in her sleep.

  I shook my head, smiling. I could probably live an entire lifetime and never experience a dull moment with my sexy geek.

  That’s not going to happen.

  My smile faded as reality slapped me.

  I was a selfish bastard but I couldn’t tease Bree with the promise of a future I could never give her.

  Eventually, I would break her heart.

  I would tear apart all that lovely innocence and replace it with something jaded and worn.

  I couldn’t do that to her.

  I’d already earned my spot in hell — probably right beside the devil himself — I didn’t need to pitch in for overtime.

  That meant one thing.

  Having the stones to turn her loose once I determined she was safe.

  Never in my life had I ever suffered a moment’s guilt of leaving a lover behind.

  Without a word or explanation.

  Without a second glance.

  But even as I contemplated the inevitable, my heart spasmed in warning.

  Do it, buddy and you’ll end up with a pulpy mess in your chest cavity.

  You need her.

  Like you need air to breathe.

  Yeah, that was probably true but she didn’t need me fucking up her world and that’s all I could guarantee.

  I rolled away from Bree, trying to put some space between us, but the stubborn woman simply followed me in her sleep, wrapping those long legs around me and becoming Big Spoon.



  God, I hated this shit.

  Except with her.

  With was everything I never knew I would come to crave.



  I woke to an empty bed.

  Blinking as I yawned, I looked around but found Dex gone.

  I rolled free from the blanket and wrapped a sheet around my naked body to find Dex.

  I found him at the kitchen table, dressed and looking as if he’d been awake for hours.

  There was something different about him.

  The distance in his eyes I felt like a physical thing.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, sinking into the chair beside him. “Did you find something?”

  Dex nodded. “A friend of mine left me a present in my inbox. I’ve got a direction to head in.”

  “That’s good,” I said warily. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “The lead is in New York.”

  “The place where all the killers were waiting to put our names on their bullet for a big payday?” I shuddered. “Yeah, that sounds like a terrible idea.”

  “That’s why you are going to stay here. I’m going to go alone.”

  “Fuck that.”

  He was bonkers if he thought I was going to stay here like an obedient llama.

  Were llamas obedient? My city girl roots were showing.

  “It’s not up for discussion,” he said, shrugging. “I’m not going to take the chance of putting you in harm’s way. Besides, I can move faster without you.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not staying here and you can’t make me.”

  His green eyes darkened and narrowed. “Don’t push me on this, Bree.”

  “No.” I refused to back down. “You are not going to leave me behind,” I said stubbornly.

  “Jesus, Bree, can you just do as you’re told for once?”

  “No.” Honestly, at this point he should know better. “What is this lead?”

  Dex looked like he wanted to shake my head off my shoulders but I didn’t care. I wasn’t staying here and he wasn’t leaving without me. Like he said, end of discussion.

  “The name Caroline Burke popped up on a birth and death certificate. Someone went to a lot of trouble to make it look as if you died when you were just a baby, which means your life has been in danger from the day you were born.”

  Oompf. That was a lot to digest. Who knew that the whole time I was lamenting how boring my teenage years were only to discover that I was living a life filled with unknown intrigue.

  “Who would want to kill a baby?” I asked, frowning. “That’s pretty mean.”

  “Someone who stood to inherit a lot of money if the sole heir to a fortune was dead.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Come again?”

  Dex nodded, confirming what my ears were picking up.


  “An heiress,” he finished for me, which was just as well because I suddenly forgot how to form words.

  An heiress? Had I just stepped into a parallel universe?

  “I found a news clipping that wrote Lily Burke and her three-month-old daughter, Caroline were killed in a car accident while on a drive in upstate New York. I’m assuming either your mom faked your deaths or someone else arranged for it to look as if you’d died so she could get away without the threat of being followed.”

  “Why would she do that?” I asked, flabbergasted.

  “I don’t know but the Burke name is pretty big. Richard Burke, I’m assuming that’s your father, was an old-money billionaire. The Burke family came over to the States in colonial times and made smart investments with each generation. When Richard died he was worth fifteen billion.”

  “Died? He’s dead?”

  Dex nodded. “He died last year. And you are his sole heir.”

  The words sank in, heavy as cement in my gut.

  I spent my entire life believing my father had died in a car accident when I was a baby but as it turned out, my mom and I had been the ones to die.

  “Was my dad a bad man?” I was almost afraid to know but I couldn’t imagine why my mom would go to such lengths to protect me.

  Oh God, everything I thought I knew about my mother might be wrong. I’d spent my life wishing someone else — anyone, really — had been my mother instead of Lily.

  I felt like a royal shit.

  “My mom...she ran away? To save me?”

  One minute my mom was the neglectful, bi-polar, manic depressive character in my childhood narrative but now...she was the desperate mother running to save her only child?

  “I need a minute,” I said, rising on shaky legs to wander in circles. “An heiress? To what? And why? What the hell? Please say you have more answers for me because my head is about to explode.”

  “I hav
e some, not all, which is why I need to get to New York.”

  “You mean, why we have to get to New York,” I reminded him. “You can’t drop a bomb like that and expect me to just nod and wave, bye honey, see you when you get back, oh, hell no.” I tightened my sheet around me. “I’m no obedient llama, you know.”

  “Did you say, llama?” Dex asked, confused, but I was already moving on (I still wasn’t sure if llamas were obedient or not so my comparison might’ve sucked).

  “Am I like, famous or something?”

  “Not like Hollywood celebrity or anything but once Richard died, you became ridiculously wealthy.”

  A nervous giggle popped from my mouth. “Like...really wealthy?”

  “Yeah. Really.”

  I needed to sit down again. “Okay, so how do I go collect my inheritance?” I had visions of buying a boat...or an island. “Would you like to sip tropical drinks with me on the beach?” I asked, still a little giddy. “I’ll even rub sunscreen on your shoulders for you.”

  But Dex wasn’t into daydreaming about untold riches. In fact, that hard look in his eyes hadn’t softened. “Get serious, will you? If you end up dead, you won’t be enjoying one cent of that money.”

  My excitement settled for a minute. “You have a point. Okay, so I’m an heiress...what happens now aside from an obvious road trip back into the city? There must be an executor for the will, right? I guess we could start there.”

  He seemed ready to launch into another terse dissertation why I wasn’t going to go with him but he must’ve sensed the energy was wasted and switched gears.

  And not gracefully, I might add.

  “Fuck, you’re a pain in the ass,” he growled, to which I smiled like an angel. “All right, fine, you can come with but I don’t like it. We’re heading into the hot zone. To someone, you’re worth more dead than alive. Try to remember that.”

  “That’s why I have you,” I said, ignoring his dark glower to climb into his lap. When he stiffened, I upped the stakes and let the sheet fall. His eyes glazed at the sight of my bare body. That’s more like it. I brushed his mouth with mine. “So we’d better make it quick so we can hit the road.”

  I knew he couldn’t resist the invitation.

  Feminine wiles had never been my strength but I was fast getting the hang of it.